My profile of Toronto mystery author, Jeffrey Round, and his latest book, Pumpkin Eater, is online at Daily Xtra. In time, I will also a post the extensive and uncut E-interview here.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Stuff I like to write about: E.M. Forster, Lee Thomas, Mourning
It occurs to me that anyone reading this blog may not be aware of my previously published journalistic work. As a writer, I am drawn to many subjects with, as one author (Jeffrey Round) put it, an infinite curiosity much like theirs.
I dig reviewing books, and my subjects are as varied as my tastes. Many of my reviews have appeared in what is now known as Daily Xtra. I have seen Daily Xtra go from being Capital Xtra, Xtra Ottawa to Xtra: Canada's gay & lesbian news to Daily Xtra, the online incarnation that includes the Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver editions that also appear in hard-copy format.
I really enjoyed a Wendy Moffat's A Great Unrecorded History: A New Life of EM Forster
biography about British writer E.M. Forster. My review ran with the headline, A new Life of EM Forster.
I also enjoyed talking to American horror author, Lee Thomas, whose profile appears under the headline, Lee Thomas kicks horror from the closet, in the Aug 29, 2011 issue of Daily Xtra.
When my schedule permits, I also like to delve into human interest pieces. Once I wrote about a man whose boyfriend passed away from a stroke and he was left to live on a soon-to-close Canadian Forces base by himself. The story is entitled Man mourns boyfriend's death on shuttered army base.