
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Poem published - about, of all things, Danny Kaye!

I am very pleased to announce that I have once again published a poem in a professional market. Bywords Quarterly Journal bought "Danny Kaye Winks at the Viewer Through Time". To see the poem, click on "Archives" on the left hand column. Then go to November 2013. You will find my name and the name of the poem listed third from the top.

And why write about Danny Kaye? Besides his obvious genius for comedy, dance, and acting, I believe that he had a whole other life going on that the movie-going pubic didn't know about. He's a fascinating figure.

P.S.: I should also add that "Danny Kaye Winks at the Viewer Through Time" earned an honourable mention for the John Newlove Award for Poetry. Thank you for the honours, Bywords!